
Elite Equine Mobile Dentistry provides dental services in central and eastern North Carolina. While dentistry is our main focus, every patient will receive a complete exam and treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. If your horse is in need of dental care you can contact us here.


Preventive care

Oral examination and routine occlusal adjustments (floating) are an essential part of preventive care for every horse. It is recommended that a juvenile horse should have a dental examination when it is foaled, at three months and then every six months until age five. For healthy adult horses, a yearly dental examination is recommended. Horses older than 20 or with a history of dental problems should return to a twice yearly schedule.

Click the link below for more detailed information about the importance of maintaining your horses teeth from the American Association of Equine Practitioners.

Oral examinations

A thorough oral examination is the cornerstone of dental care. This examination will include both the internal and external structures of the head and mouth. Utilization of a high definition camera allows a detailed examination and documentation of the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth. This technology also allows you to clearly see the inside of your horse’s mouth as the exam is projected onto a tablet. Following your horse’s exam you will receive an electronic copy of their dental chart.




Despite the best dental care some horses will require teeth to be extracted during their lifetime. This may mean routine removal of wolf teeth to ensure comfort with a bit, retained baby teeth or diseased, infected, or broken teeth. Extraction of equine teeth can range from a very simple procedure to a very complicated or even surgical procedure. Many of these procedures however can be performed in the standing sedated horse. If you feel your horse requires a dental extraction please contact me for more information.

Periodontal Disease

It is estimated that greater than 60% of horses will have some form of periodontal disease in their life time. Periodontal disease involves infection and deterioration of the tissues that hold the teeth in place (gums/gingiva, periodontal ligament and bone). This condition can be quite painful and lead to difficulty or reluctance to eat, infection, sinus infections, chronic pain and eventually tooth loss. Many times once periodontal disease is present it can not be cured but can be successfully managed with regular care. It can also be prevented in many cases with regular dental care.




A collaborative approach to equine health care is always in the best interest of the horse. If you have questions regarding any aspect of your horses oral health please contact me for more information.